About me
I am currently a Research Scientist at HLTCOE@JHU working on cross language and multilingual information retrieval.
I recieved Ph.D. in Computer Science from Georgetown University in 2021, under the advice of
Ophir Frieder in the IR Lab,
David D. Lewis at Redgrave Data
and Jeremy Fineman.
I also consult for the Applied Science Team at Relativity, a leading software company in eDiscovery,
on active learning, search systems, and result validation.
My research interests are ad-hoc and high recall information retrieval, active learning, and low-resouce machine learning.
I am also the developer of TARexp
, which is an opensource Python
experiment framework for Technology-Assisted Review.
我在 HLTCOE@JHU 擔任研究員,主要的研究跨語言及多語言搜尋引擎。
2021 年的暑假畢業於 Georgetown University 並得到資訊工程博士學位,
指導老師為 Ophir Frieder (IR Lab)
、David D. Lewis (Redgrave Data)
及 Jeremy Fineman。
我同時是 Relativity 的顧問應用科學家,主要指導主動學習、搜尋引擎及結果認證方法的實務建議及實作方針。
Relativity 提供領先業界 eDiscovery 工具的軟體公司。
我開發了 TARexp
。 這是一個特別為 Technology-Assisted Review 而開發的 Python 實驗平台。

Johns Hopkins University
Research Scientist
May 2021 - July 2022 (as postdoc)
July 2022 -
Applied Science Consultant
June 2022 - May 2023

Brainspace, A Cyxtera Business
Intern Data Scientist
2018 and 2019 Summer

Trading Valley
Chief Frontend Developer
Nov. 2014 - July 2016
IR Lab,
Georgetown University
PhD in Computer Science
Cost Reduction and Modeling of
Technology-Assisted Review
2016 - 2021

National Tsing Hua University, TW
BS in Quantitative Finance
Minor: Computer Science & Math
2011 - 2015
Invited Talk
Apr 2, 2023 @ ALTARS 2023 (Co-located with ECIR 2023), presented with Dawn Lawrie.
Sept. 10, 2019 @ National Chengchi University.